Recycling Bakery By-Product Into Feed
Wilenta works with specialty bakers, bakery plants, and bakery wholesalers to provide a practical solution for inedible bakery waste. We collect waste bread, dough, pasta, crackers, cereal, bagels, tortillas, matzos, sweet goods, snack chips and other bakery by-products for recycling into animal feed. Our customers save money on waste disposal and benefit the environment.
Save Money Recycling Bakery By-Product
Even customers using 2-yard containers can save thousands of dollars annually by utilizing Wilenta Feed waste management recycling services vs. paying for waste disposal by weight. Contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation.
Keep Your Bakery Business Clean and Green
We’ve been in the Bakery by-product recycling business for decades. We have extensive knowledge of all regulatory and compliance issues that affect New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania service areas. We provide compactors and containers designed for sanitary collection. In addition, Wilenta provides material handling equipment tailored to your needs.